What Are the Different Words for Youth Group?

Boy band, bunch of guys, bunch of boys, lot of kids, lot of young people, youth group, children's group – these are just some of the words that can be used to refer to a youth group. But there are many more terms that can be used to describe this type of organization. Juvenile criminal justice law, youth crusade, youth culture, youth empowerment, youth gang, youth hostel, ki awaaz youth, youth mentor, youth movement, and youth offending team are all words that can be used to refer to a youth group. The search algorithm used to find related words and phrases is quite powerful.

For example, if you want words related to 'lol' and 'rofl', you can type 'lol rofl' and it will give you a list of related slang terms. However, due to the nature of the algorithm, some results may not be exact synonyms but rather concepts or ideas related to the term. Jaiden Stipp was watching a Star Wars movie with his afternoon youth group in Tacoma, Washington last March when offers started rolling in. Joe looked at her with a smile – her face still solemn and serious – and the fire of hope lit up behind her eyes.

Most girls wanted to be princesses at some point in their youth, although she could not specifically remember that desire. Miles Davis was backstage and James Brown was playing – the money would go to Jaiden's youth group. James Brown took the stage to support Jaiden's youth group. He was very thin and strong with the glow of youth on his cheeks and the sparkle of happiness in his gray eyes.

The money raised from the event would provide local youth groups with tools to monitor air, land and water quality. It would also teach them how to collect and record data on environmental changes they have observed in their communities.